Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Everyone Counts

This morning we made voting a family affair-Brad, Fish and I went to the polls at the school behind our house and the three of us (Fish watched the process with anticipation of his future participation) cast our ballots at 7AM. As we left the house with Fish in his stroller, I told him that we were going to go attempt to make his country a better place to live. Total cheese, but let's face it, as voters, we think it's true. Otherwise, we'd be home in our pj's watching Elmo's World. There is something about voting that just makes you feel proud-you feel like whether your candidate wins or not, you've made to the effort to get involved and make a change. This year, regardless of the outcome, we're making history. I'm just hoping our history doesn't include someone in pink leggings and a matching spandex dress, who just learn the name Jimmy Choo from the Republicans, as our political leader. Seriously, talk about a pig in $150,000 lipstick! Anyway, I'm a Chicago Bears and Cubs fan, so I'm not used to winning, but just as I did during the 1986 Super Bowl, I'm crossing my fingers that today will be my day to celebrate. Go Obama! Latest Election Polls and Coverage Candidates McCain (R) 44.2% Obama (D) 52.0% Full Coverage State-by-State Polls State News

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