This week was Fish's first Thanksgiving! On Wednesday, which is technically a part of the "Thanksgiving Weekend" because people start coming home from different parts of the country, we spent some time with Brent aka. Uncle Brentie-Boy. He was way more comfortable hanging out with Fish than he lets on in this picture. Obviously he's just like me-anything for a laugh. After lunch we spent the entire afternoon with Marisa who was also in town from New York. She was kind enough to run every single one of our last minute Thanksgiving dinner errands with us. We literally held her hostage in the car for 3 hours.
That night, our family/the other set of new parents, flew into O'Hare. Sarah, Jonathan, and our little niece Reece came in from Portland to stay with us and enjoy what might as well be referred to as the Christmas holiday kick-off weekend. It was wonderful for Fish to have a built-in playmate at the house. The Grevens came in Wednesday night so on Thursday, we all spent the day getting ready for 22 of our nearest and dearest to come over to finish off the two 19 lbs. turkeys I made-without a recipe! Clearly Top Chef has overlooked one Joanna Aaron.

Here's a picture of the final product. Is your mouth watering yet? Trust me, if you could smell through the computer, you'd want some. I'm talking about the turkey-not my handsome husband. Hands off!
Of course, no Thanksgiving weekend is complete without a little retail therapy which we got in the way of baby clothes shopping with the whole Greven gang. Reece walked away from Damen Avenue like Julia Roberts in
Pretty Woman-after she tells off the saleswoman and has her movie montage-with bags and bags. I love buying Fishie's clothes, but there is definitely something to be said about picking out baby girl cute!
On Saturday morning we took another field trip with the babies. This time we checked out the Wild Reef exhibit at the Shedd Aquarium. It was so cool watching Fish
watch the fish. Gee, I wonder when we're going to have to explain that name/animal thing to him-we'll save that for later. In the meantime, he was so engaged and alert. It's just incredible watching his reaction to new experiences.
After babysitting Reece and Fish together in the afternoon we decided two things-number one, we're personally better off without twins and two, we were hungry. So it was off to the Yatch Club to meet up with Reece's parents and grandparents for a beautiful dinner overlooking the lake.
Early Sunday morning, we said our goodbyes as Sarah, Jonathan and Reece drove off to the airport to make their trip home. Then after a quick visit from Sissy, Jeff, Danni and Eliza Kaplan, the Aaron clan spent the rest of Sunday on the couch. All in all, the weekend was well worth the exhaustion!