Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Week In The Life Of

Last week was a hectic one for our little Fish. On top of our regular activities of Wiggleworms and playgroup, we had grown-up things to take care of including taking the car into the shop, lunch with friends, Chanukah shopping, charity work, taking care of a sick daddy, holiday parties, birthday parties and dinner at the S-Daddy. It was the perfect holiday season week-a little bit of everything fun, followed by complete exhaustion. Today is our first day of gymnastics at My Gym! Fish will be a champ jumping on the trampoline-tummy side down of course and swinging through the air on the trapeze...I'm not kidding! He can do it! We'll get photo proof.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gobble, Gobble, gobble, gobb, zzzzz.....

This week was Fish's first Thanksgiving! On Wednesday, which is technically a part of the "Thanksgiving Weekend" because people start coming home from different parts of the country, we spent some time with Brent aka. Uncle Brentie-Boy. He was way more comfortable hanging out with Fish than he lets on in this picture. Obviously he's just like me-anything for a laugh. After lunch we spent the entire afternoon with Marisa who was also in town from New York. She was kind enough to run every single one of our last minute Thanksgiving dinner errands with us. We literally held her hostage in the car for 3 hours.
That night, our family/the other set of new parents, flew into O'Hare. Sarah, Jonathan, and our little niece Reece came in from Portland to stay with us and enjoy what might as well be referred to as the Christmas holiday kick-off weekend. It was wonderful for Fish to have a built-in playmate at the house. The Grevens came in Wednesday night so on Thursday, we all spent the day getting ready for 22 of our nearest and dearest to come over to finish off the two 19 lbs. turkeys I made-without a recipe! Clearly Top Chef has overlooked one Joanna Aaron.
Here's a picture of the final product. Is your mouth watering yet? Trust me, if you could smell through the computer, you'd want some. I'm talking about the turkey-not my handsome husband. Hands off! Of course, no Thanksgiving weekend is complete without a little retail therapy which we got in the way of baby clothes shopping with the whole Greven gang. Reece walked away from Damen Avenue like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman-after she tells off the saleswoman and has her movie montage-with bags and bags. I love buying Fishie's clothes, but there is definitely something to be said about picking out baby girl cute! On Saturday morning we took another field trip with the babies. This time we checked out the Wild Reef exhibit at the Shedd Aquarium. It was so cool watching Fish watch the fish. Gee, I wonder when we're going to have to explain that name/animal thing to him-we'll save that for later. In the meantime, he was so engaged and alert. It's just incredible watching his reaction to new experiences.

After babysitting Reece and Fish together in the afternoon we decided two things-number one, we're personally better off without twins and two, we were hungry. So it was off to the Yatch Club to meet up with Reece's parents and grandparents for a beautiful dinner overlooking the lake.

Early Sunday morning, we said our goodbyes as Sarah, Jonathan and Reece drove off to the airport to make their trip home. Then after a quick visit from Sissy, Jeff, Danni and Eliza Kaplan, the Aaron clan spent the rest of Sunday on the couch. All in all, the weekend was well worth the exhaustion!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just Another Tuesday

Today was a fun day for little Fish. His Noni Laurie came downtown to join us for Wiggleworms with a special teacher, Jonas, who rocked out "You are my sunshine" on his guitar. After class, Squish was a little tired, but we made it home in time for lunch and a first time visit with Auntie Pam Briskman who came to see us all the way from San Francisco! Pam even helped tuck Fish in for his afternoon nap. Once he got up, Noni Laurie, Oma and Opa were all downstairs waiting to play away the rest of the day. Oma and Opa bought Fish the coolest laptop that sings and has flashing lights as well as a plush book about a dog who looks just like Monte. The book even starts out with the doggie losing his bone in a fishbowl-coincidence? I think not! It was a fantastic day filled with friends and family-just the way we like it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Party Like It's 11/16/2008

Yesterday, Fish attended his very first playgrouper's birthday party. Yes, we have a one year old friend named Kyle that we play with every Thursday and he had a fantastic blowout. Jami and Mark set the bar high for those of us with the younger babies.
It got me thinking about Fisher's birthday party-not just the fact that he's actually going to have a first birthday in 4 months-but who will we invite, where will we have it, and what will I wear...sorry, sometimes it IS about me. Anyway, it seems like another one of those ridiculous things to worry about considering the economy is shot and we're in the middle of more than one war, but he's my first baby, so I can protest and save WHILE I plan the event. Anyway it's fun to have something to look forward to even if I turn the party into a new obsession, googling and researching on a daily basis between now and March 24th. What am I talking about? If I wait until March 24th, we'll be having Fishie's party at a Taco Bell...wait, that's not such a bad idea. Do one year olds like hot or mild sauce?
Here are some pictures from Kyle's birthday bash-Fish was a real party animal!
This is Fish's friend Caroline. We love her because she's very straight forward-she's thirsty, she needs her bottle but she doesn't want to hold it herself. Hmmm, mom, how can we fix this?
Caroline just LOVED Fishie's hat and wanted to know where to get one just like it?
After food and bottles, it was time for music with Miss Kim from Bubbles Academy. Mommy and Fishie showed those drums who's boss!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

School Daze

I spent four years in college helping my friend make his class schedule each semester to ensure he would graduate on time-or at least within a few years of "on time"-to his parents, I say, your welcome. I would pick 15-18 hours of required and elective education, and inevitably, he would drop down to 9. As the mommy of a 7 1/2 month old baby, I am surprised to find myself in a similar situation today that is giving me major flashbacks-not the good kind. Did you know that there are pre-school classes that being when a child is 15 months? Yeah, I didn't either until a few weeks ago. So I hustled over to the school for my required class obversation in order to get Fish's name on the list for registration. It wasn't nearly as fun as figuring out college credits over a drink and going to a party afterwards-I had to find a babysitter, figure out if my outfit mattered and then plaster a huge smile on my face as I drove 45 minutes across city traffic to make sure I didn't miss a minute of sandbox time. Of course the class was adorable and I ended up knowing a good amount of parents attending with their 15-24 month olds, but I have to admit, I felt a little ridiculous each time they asked how old Fish is now. I'm not intentionally seeking out schooling for my newborn, I swear! I will love him with all of my heart even if he's the only kid who doesn't know sign language or fluent Spanish before his first birthday. I'm not that person. I do however need the adult contact that you get from taking mommy and me's with your son or daughter and because Fish is currently an only child, I love that he has a chance to socalize with other kids his age as many times a week as possible. Talking Elmo is a toy, not a friend. I just don't know that I was prepared for the stresses that come with early education and playtime. Apparently, you have to sign up for music classes two months in advance and one teacher is terrible while the other is "the teacher" to get-even in the 6 month old class. G-d forbid should Fish have to listen to a teacher that pauses too long between songs. I haven't decided if this stress is a product of being a new mom because I can admit, when you are in that role, you pretty much have no idea what you're doing. We're all just trying to make sure that our children get the most out of their class time whether it be educational or social. So if that means that I have to freak out because Miss Ann, our favorite music teacher, doesn't have her January schedule online yet, so be it. I'm just trying to guarantee that Fish stays engaged for the 45 minutes we sing in class once a week. Ultimately, this all probably just freaks me out because he's my baby. Every parent tells me that time flies and soon he'll be going off to kindergarten, then high school and, glup, college-tear. He can barely sit up on his own and they have me thinking about what to get him for graduation! I have to go now-I'm going to Google homeschooling.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New Boy In the Neighborhood

The air smells cleaner, today is perfection, Mr. Pres-elect is a cutie...just a few of the things my friends have written on Facebook today. And right now, in the background, I can hear Oprah's famous whooping on her "Presidential Party" show that I actually convinced Brad to Tivo. Most of my friends, family, Oprah and Hollywood are as thrilled today as I am that President-elect Obama and his beautiful, young family will be moving into the White House. Furthermore, the Dems have taken back the majority control of the government which is another win for "our" side. Now, I'm not a political mind-I know the main issues, players, etc. but I will not pretend that I am as well-read as I would have liked to be going to the polling station at the school behind my house yesterday. I'm guessing that a lot of people I know are the same way, but I believe we have one thing in common as American voters-we want change. We are smart enough, or dumb enough because the world is spelling it out for us on a daily basis, to know that how we are currently living in this country is not working and we're terrified. So although I celebrated at home last night as the news stations announced Obama's victory and continue to feel an added warmth that our country has made history by electing the first African-American to lead our nation, I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. As an Obama supporter, I know that the American people are looking at President Obama through rose-colored glasses. We see a man, who is not Bush or McCain, who is wearing a red cape and can fly-he's our Superman. You know what Peter Parker's uncle said-with great power comes great responsibility. There's no larger responsibility one can take on than to lead the world's Super Power back to that exact status. We voted Obama in because we want him to "fix" all of our problems. It's like getting a new boss...we're going to complain to him about everything the last guy did and we expect, now that he's in control, that he'll make everything better. Oh yeah, and we all need raises. Maybe even a co-sign on a loan? I worry a little about the expectations the country has of this president. We need change immediately, but it's not realistic for everything to be fixed at once. I think what we probably need to do is think of Obama as Spider Man instead of Superman. In Spider Man, Peter Parker wakes up one day with super powers but instead of going and fighting crime right away, he takes a little time to hone his skills-before long, he's catching thieves in his web. I hope the American people, Republicans and Democrats, will allow President-elect Obama to learn to scale walls before expecting him to swing from buildings.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Everyone Counts

This morning we made voting a family affair-Brad, Fish and I went to the polls at the school behind our house and the three of us (Fish watched the process with anticipation of his future participation) cast our ballots at 7AM. As we left the house with Fish in his stroller, I told him that we were going to go attempt to make his country a better place to live. Total cheese, but let's face it, as voters, we think it's true. Otherwise, we'd be home in our pj's watching Elmo's World. There is something about voting that just makes you feel proud-you feel like whether your candidate wins or not, you've made to the effort to get involved and make a change. This year, regardless of the outcome, we're making history. I'm just hoping our history doesn't include someone in pink leggings and a matching spandex dress, who just learn the name Jimmy Choo from the Republicans, as our political leader. Seriously, talk about a pig in $150,000 lipstick! Anyway, I'm a Chicago Bears and Cubs fan, so I'm not used to winning, but just as I did during the 1986 Super Bowl, I'm crossing my fingers that today will be my day to celebrate. Go Obama! Latest Election Polls and Coverage Candidates McCain (R) 44.2% Obama (D) 52.0% Full Coverage State-by-State Polls State News

I Believe In Yesterday

Yesterday, we went to Country Kitchen for a lunch date with Madeline Glazier and her mommy Sarah. We haven't seen them since our big adventure in Maine, so it was great to catch up over burgers, salads and baby food. While the moms chatted about this and that, Fish and Madeline played with Splenda packets-I had a bag of toys, but sweetner beat them all out. When I asked Madeline if I could take a picture, she flashed the biggest, prettiest camera smile I've ever seen...America's Next Top Model doesn't have anything on her!
Of course, every model needs a boyfriends and Madeline is not opposed to a younger man.
Brad was home when Fish and I finished our day out, so we decided to go sit outside for dinner in the beautiful warm November weather at Mana, a neighborhood restaurant on Division. After we ate, Fisher got his first-ever ride home on daddy's shoulders. Someday, Fish will be this tall!

Halloween 2008

On Halloween the whole family went to a park in the Gold Coast for trick or treating fun. The neighborhood hosts a wonderful costume party there for all of the kids in the area complete with a puppet show, musicians, circus acts and incredible decorations.
Fishie wasn't feeling so great, so he wasn't his normal happy-go-lucky self.
Despite his bad tummy, we still managed to get some smiles out of our adorable Humpty Dumpty!

After the park, we went to Oma and Opa Greven's for dinner. Opa craved a huge pumpkin for Fish to celebrate his first Halloween. Fish loved watching the pumpkins face light up from the candles inside.

It was a very fun first Halloween for Fish that lasted for two weeks. After being a rooster, skeleton, and Humpty Dumpty, Fish is hoping to pick out his own costume next fall and can't wait to try some of that delicious stuff everyone kept handing out. Mommy and daddy, on the other hand, are a little nervous about the sugar rush!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Rant

I was watching the Today Show this morning as I do everyday now. I figure I can switch the TV from Elmo's World to Matt and Meredith as long as Fisher's high chair is not facing the flat screen, because I can only take so much of that high-pitched little monster (Elmo, not Al) before 9AM. One of the lead stories was about a doctor who was claiming that his life has been threatened due to his medical work on vaccines for children which some now believe are a direct cause of autism.
It was good to hear the medical side of the story after reading so many articles and watching a number of TV apparences by Jenny McCarthy, who has become an anti-vaccination heroine for parents with children living with autism. From what I understand, she believes that the series of shots and liquids caused her child's autism. I also have read that she is not encouraging people to stop vaccinating, but instead, is hoping for safer vaccines. They took the mercury out-according to doctors, it's safe. Therefore, I think I side with the doctors who have scientifically proven that the vaccines, as they are currently made, do not cause the disease.
That being said, my heart breaks for any parent whose children is sick in any way. I appreciate a parent's search for answers and cures, but I also think there is a point where you have to give into science and facts-I'm not saying to give up or even give into the disease-I'm just saying that it might not be such a terrific idea to convince other new parents that vaccinating their child is a bad idea (Jenny).
What scares me is the idea of Fish growing up around children who are completely suspetable to fatal diseases like polio or small pox that doctors of our generation have not been truly trained to treat. Some of these illnesses haven't shown up in the emergency rooms of America for 30 years-in my mind, it would be like expecting a doctor in the ER today to be able to treat the plague.
The doctors on the Today Show took a very strong stand on the topic. I was really impressed by NBC chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman's facts on the subject. She totally convinced me that I had done the right thing by allowing Fish to get his vaccines.
Until. Until. Until.
Some people shouldn't be allowed too much airtime. Some people should make their points gracefully and then have their IFB's and mics pulled immediately-even before the clip is over. Because the minute Matt Lauer thanked Dr. Snyderman for speaking up on this controvesial topic, she lost it. She kept getting louder and louder, while speaking over Matt-who was clearly trying to wrap up the segment-that this is not a controversial issue, there is no controversy, it shouldn't be considered a controversy, etc. etc. I was so upset-it was like watching your favorite candidate say something I know how the Republicans must feel.
So to Dr. Nancy Snyderman, as a disappointed ally, I say this-controversy; a noun; a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views; a dispute.
You might be right, but the other side disputes it. Looks like your in the middle of a pretty serious controversy.

And Who Are We Today?

Today's Thursday, our usual playgroup day. There are 9 mommies and 9 babies in our group that normally meets around 11AM at someone's house. This week Maria (mommy) and Caroline (baby) threw a fun trick or treating Halloween party, complete with costumes and candy!
As you can see, Fish traded his skeleton and Humpty Dumpty outfits for a rooster...G-d forbid he'd be caught in the same outfit twice! He wasn't totally into it due to his recent aversion to sleeves, jackets and coats. I can't wait to put him in a snowsuit everyday for 4 months-what fun that will be.
Back to the party-the moms had a great time taking as many pictures as we'll need for future rehearsal dinner embarrassment while the kids put all of Caroline's toys in their mouths. Typical playgroup activity. Picture of Fish freaking out at the party is on its way...stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Way We Were

I was discussing life BF (before Fish) a few days ago and found myself saying that for the last few years, I have just been waiting for him to come along. And while I'm incredibly grateful that Fish showed up when he did, Brad and I are no different from any other new parents. We know that life has changed forever-our first trip with Fish comfirmed that beyond a doubt! There's nothing like spending a night in a shared hotel room with your 6-month-old baby who can't sleep to prove that you'll never go on vacation again. No, from here on out, trips with the kids are just that, trips-not vacation. The only thing that hasn't changed is how much it costs to spend that sleepless night together and what's more, your paying to spend a weekend without luxuries like a germ-free crib, a changing table, a real high chair, the belted in carseat base, the "good" stroller, etc. Not the point. The point is that although Brad and I laugh at ourselves all of the time for being thrilled about being in bed before SNL on Saturday nights (bonus points for sleeping before they say "live from New York"-sorry Sam) or knowing every word to Elmopalozza, we also remember life BF. Before Fishie, there were 4 star restaurants, 5 star hotels, Sunday mornings in bed with the Tribune, Tivo time and our favorite, movies-in movie theaters! As amazing as that all sounds, I'm happy to give it all up for my boys-I'd live in a cardboard box with them and the way the economy is going, we may end up in whatever UPS delivers next. However I'm the kind of person who wouldn't change a minute of my life-the good and the bad-because everything that happened before now has gotten me to this point. But still it's fun to remember... Our last condo A last minute trip to NY Our babymoons to Jackson Hole and Hawaii
Our weekend in LA where Brad proposed
So life with Fish will never be the same-but it's so much better. I don't even mind Elmo that much!

That New Baby Smell

Today Fish and I went to the Kaplans to see their beautiful new baby Eliza. She is such a little lovebug-so sweet and tiny. As for all mommies, it's hard to remember Fishie at that size, even though it was only 7 months ago. Sissy looks wonderful and although we haven't seen Danni yet, we're sure she's going to thrive in her new big sister position-though Fish might get a little jealous since he is currently Danni's favorite baby. See for yourself...
Now Fish has two ladies to hang out with. He's so cool!

Let's Backtrack a Little

It's Fall and we've been taking great advantage of the beautiful Chicago weather-no, I'm not kidding-and the fun events around the area. The first week of October, our friends Halley, Josh and little Elle came to stay with us. We had so much fun together, but the kids enjoyed themselves even more. Although Fishie is used to playing in the living room by himself, he loved having a friend to share his toys with!

The next day we went to Farm in the Zoo in Lincoln Park to hang out in the pumpkin patch. Jeff, Sissy and Danni Kaplan met us there too.

A few weeks later, our playgroup met at the Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago to see the Halloween show that the city puts on every year. Some of the kids wore costumes-Fish was a scary skeleton that day! We went to Grandpa Richie's office to trick or treat before the show and Daddy's office afterward.

In the middle of October, Fish took his very first plane trip to Portland, Maine to see his cousin Reece, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Jonathan and go to Emily and Stanley's wedding. Mommy and Fish were making funny faces at the airport on the way there. Fish was a terrific passenger but they didn't give him any wings-we assume they were worried about what kind of on-board trouble a baby would cause with sharp edges. Will the racial profiling ever stop?

Fish was also lucky enough to have his first out-of-town sleep-over at his Aunt and Uncle's house on the night of the wedding. He came home a very happy little boy because Reece shared all of her toys...even her exercauser!

The entire trip to Maine was so much fun! We got to spend time with friends and family-there's nothing better than that! We can't wait for the Grevens trip to Chicago in November. In the meantime, with Halloween only one week away, we spent last weekend getting all of our decorations up. That meant a trip to a farm to scout out the pumpkin patch for the biggest and best pumpkins we could find. Grandpa Richie joined us for the day-it was really windy and cold, but we had fun anyway!

On Tuesday of this week, we had a costume party at Fishie's Wiggleworms music class. Fish went as Humpty Dumpty and Noni Laurie came downtown to hang out and sing songs.
You can see Fish's friends Ethan-the turtle, Liv-the chick, and Henry-the puppy in some of these photos. His friend Caroline was a pumpkin and Kyle was Superman. Although everyone was dressed up, they didn't know they were anything but babies.
It has been an awesome month filled with activities, friends, family and fun! Our pumpkins are outside waiting to greet trick or treaters on Friday along with a big bowl of candy. Happy October!